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6 December 2011

Producer Kathleen Kennedy Talks JURASSIC PARK 4!

It seems like forever to get that long-gestating JURASSIC PARK 4 materializes into production. I know there are plenty of fans out there have been eagerly awaiting the fourth installment of the popular JURASSIC PARK franchise. So will the movie ever get off the ground? According to JURASSIC PARK producer Kathleen Kennedy, here's what she had to say below.

A great script is what it’s gonna take to get a fourth Jurassic Park. We have a very high bar for ourselves because we’re just like the audience, we don’t wanna make the movie if there’s not a reason to make the movie. So we’ve kinda created the dilemma ourselves because it was never intended to be a franchise, so there’s an argument to be made ‘Why are you doing a fourth Jurassic Park?’ So we’ve gotta find a good reason for why we’re doing a fourth Jurassic Park and we’re in the midst of working on that right now.

Apart from that, Kennedy also revealed that while a script isn't currently being written, they're talking about it.

Good, at least we all know there's a glimmer of hope that JURASSIC PARK 4 might see the light of the day in the theaters somewhere in the future.


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